A newly-married couple from Los Angeles quit their jobs to work on farms and wineries across Europe. Read it from the beginning...

When We Get Back…

Posted: August 28th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Los Angeles | 5 Comments »

After going through seven helpx hosts and four countries, Devon and I have been compiling a list of things we want to have in our lives when we get back to the states. Some of these are long term ideas, and some can happen immediately. Below is the list, which is constantly being added to:

1. Ducks – they’re much more rad than chickens and their eggs are just as delicious, and larger.

2. Hammock – we’ve read many a book and have been swung asleep in the hammocks in Umbria. Apparently the best are from Guatemala.

3. Large patio/deck – we want an outdoor living area with sofas, chairs and tables. Meals are wonderful on them and it creates an atmosphere that we both really enjoy.

4. Herb and salad garden – there’s nothing better than sprucing up cooking with fresh herbs and making salad with lettuce picked that afternoon.

5. Dog – we both grew up with dogs and we really miss having them around. Most hosts have had them and it’s reminded us how much we love living with dogs.

This was our favorite dog on the whole trip, Carina. She was our companian on most hikes in Umbria.

6. Roses – I tended roses in Normandy. I found working with them to be relaxing, and the reward large – they’re just so gorgeous.

7. Cast iron wok – I’ve done a lot of cooking on the trip and the wok has been a staple with most meals. I even fry pasta in it.

8. System for reclaiming water – our hosts in Devon County reclaimed a lot of their rain water to feed their animals. It was inspiring and very doable.

9. Meet more people – we’ve met more wonderful strangers than we ever anticipated. It’s easy to stick with people you know and not reach out, but when we get back, we’d like to change that.

And we’re off! (Plus food trucks recap)

Posted: April 23rd, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Los Angeles, Meals | 9 Comments »


After a 6 day volcano-related delay, we are now off! We’re at LAX, waiting to board the 1:35 to New York.

We were a bit sick on our stay-cation, but made the best of it. We tried some of those new, fancy food trucks to see what all the “hub-bub” was about. They’ve popped up like mobile mushrooms throughout Los Angeles recently. Neither of us had taken part in this hot new trend, so we decided to seek a few out.

Some googling led us to the 5800 block of Wilshire where a bunch tend to congregate for the lunch hour. Two Korean BBQs, Haitian, and a truck dedicated to shrimp were among the options. Halbe had Kassama’s chicken brown stew for $7. Hearty and wholesome, it was our favorite thing. I had the “Bool Bowl” from Bool Korean BBQ. The beef was smokey and juicy, but I remembered too late that kimchi is not for me. $6.

Now we are sitting in terminal three at LAX and waiting to finally start our journey. Two days in the Big Apple then on an Aer Lingus flight to London. Take that, unpronouncable Icelandic volcano!

Stay-cation here we come

Posted: April 18th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Los Angeles, Preparations, Unexpected Adventure | 2 Comments »

Since Devon and I are in L.A. for a few more days due to the volcanic ash powdering the entire continent of Europe, we’re making the most of it. We’re doing a stay-cation! So, in that vein, any must-do’s in Los Angeles before we leave? We’re open to suggestions. Some items on my list are:

1. Visit all the L.A. food trucks
2. Bike ride from Venice to Malibu and have breakfast on the beach (it’s been years since I’ve done this)

And…that’s where the list ends. My parents are in town through Tuesday and they’re from L.A. so new and exciting activities are always fun. Let the ideas and suggestions flow!

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