Posted: August 6th, 2010 | Author: Devon | Filed under: France, Meals, Paris | 5 Comments »

Musee d’Orsay charges four euros for a cup of tepid water and a tea bag. This photo illustrates how we felt about this fleecing. Great museum, but we can’t recommend the restaurant. The food was “just okay” but expensive, and the overpriced tea pushed us over the edge.
Posted: August 5th, 2010 | Author: Devon | Filed under: France, Paris | 3 Comments »

This handsome and generous woman was posted up all over Paris (that’s the Opera House in the background). We were surprised at first to see a topless woman used in an advertisement (carefully edited, of course) but soon, by the frequency of her appearance, we were left numb. Background noise. Don’t even notice her. At least, that’s what I told Halbe. I did sneak one photo, as you can see.
Posted: August 4th, 2010 | Author: Devon | Filed under: France, Paris | 1 Comment »

An arty shot of people enjoying the sunshine on the banks of the river Seine. This was opposite Notre Dame. Halbe and I had just enjoyed an ice cream cone. A man sat on the street behind us, playing an accordion for spare change. I leaned over the edge of the bridge we stood on and snapped this photo.